Sunday, June 16, 2013

"New York, New Camera"

It's been about a month since I moved to New York and I can confidently say that it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'm learning to live on my own and being away from all of my family and friends is tough, but it usually just takes a walk around the city to remember why I wanted to come here in the first place. I love New York.

How does this basil plant look to you?  I bought a basil & cilantro plant at WholeFoods and I just don't know how to take care of it. Is it drowning or drying? Does it need more sunlight? My roommate once told me in passing that a recovering addict has to be able to take care of a plant before (s)he can enter a relationship. But what does that mean for people who aren't addicts but can't nurture a plant properly? Haha .. makes me wonder..

I decided to buy a new camera to start blogging and sharing my experiences in the City. This Sony Nex 5RK is exactly what I wanted: compact but with a DSLR quality. It's great cause the lens is detachable which means I get to still use my fish eyes lens! 

My go-to meal at home: Mix grains salad. I got the recipe from my best friend's sister who constantly inspires me to eat healthier. I've made a couple of adjustments to it but it's still packed with the same great super-foods. The recipe is simple: Wild rice, kale, spinach, mushroom, green onion, cilantro (from my plant!) broccoli, sesame oil and salt & pepper to taste. 

My walk down through Bryant Park en route to Pinkberry.

Home! Don't let the lobby fool ya, renovations were only done on the first floor. It is nice to walk through though :)

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